Monday, April 21, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Myspace pages
If you have a myspace page, and you have music on it, and that music autoplays please do the following:
1. Lift your left hand
2. Make a fist
3. Raise your index finger as if you are pointing at something
4. Now poke yourself in the eye
That was from me, quit being a jackass. No one wants to hear your lame music, least of all have it inflicted upon them without warning.
1. Lift your left hand
2. Make a fist
3. Raise your index finger as if you are pointing at something
4. Now poke yourself in the eye
That was from me, quit being a jackass. No one wants to hear your lame music, least of all have it inflicted upon them without warning.
Amusing Song
For those of you who deal with clients on a regular basis, especially those of you who have any design efforts in your day to day work you will appreciate this little number
For those of you who are the people making these comments.. listen to your designers, they do things for a reason. They are the designer, you are not.
For those of you who are the people making these comments.. listen to your designers, they do things for a reason. They are the designer, you are not.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I watch this show religiously, and I hate every minute of it. How have I been conned into this by the evil writers who clearly are only intent on raping my brain with their incessant direction changes and dropping of unanswered questions to replace them with new ones.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
It has been a while since I mentioned this site and with golf season coming up I've been thinking about it more. I'm hoping to play in a golf league this spring/summer (Andrew, you'd best be getting on that!), and I'll be using oobgolf to track most if not all of my summer golf. You can see my oob profile and mock my horrible attempts at getting better at this cursed affliction that some call a game.
*** Update ***
Forgot to mention that I made a google gadget for these guys you can find instructions for adding it to your google homepage on the oob site
*** Update ***
Forgot to mention that I made a google gadget for these guys you can find instructions for adding it to your google homepage on the oob site
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Interesting Browser Game
I've started messing with a game called Ikariam, it's 100% in the browser and does NOT use flash. It's actually pretty fun, it's designed to only require a few minutes a day to play. Give it a try.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Blogger comments
Blogger comments still suck my ass. Why can't they just keep you in the same window, every other major site that supports comments does this, it's a better approach. Blogger, fix comments!
New idea for this blog
I am going to start simply posting in two categories here... those categories after careful consideration will be:
1. sucks
2. doesn't suck
Everything will fall into one of the categories, unless I forget, if there is no category go ahead and assume it sucks.
1. sucks
2. doesn't suck
Everything will fall into one of the categories, unless I forget, if there is no category go ahead and assume it sucks.
Some stuff
#1 I am using twitter now, I have no idea how long it will continue as I am not all that amused with it to be honest. That said I'll probably update it more than I do blog because it takes about 2 seconds to twit (is that a verb? From hence forth I deem that it shall be).
#2 AIR apps don't suck, this surprises me because for the most part I assume things are going to suck, especially application languages that are supposed to make cross-platform development easy and great (see every desktop java app.... EVER). Here's an AIR app that doesn't suck: Twhirl
#3 I just added a twitter thing to the right side of the blog, swell.
#2 AIR apps don't suck, this surprises me because for the most part I assume things are going to suck, especially application languages that are supposed to make cross-platform development easy and great (see every desktop java app.... EVER). Here's an AIR app that doesn't suck: Twhirl
#3 I just added a twitter thing to the right side of the blog, swell.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Support for Shall Issue Legislation in Maryland
This petition is an effort to get Maryland legislature to react and hopefully pass or at the very least discuss "Shall Issue" concealed weapons laws. If you live in MD and would like to support it please by all means do so and feel free to push your friends to do so as well.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Some additional gun control vs. violent crime stats.
I'm posting this information primarily due to a debate on where a post I made was challenged as non-factual (basically I said gun control doesn't mean lower violent crime and in fact tends to increase it). All of these stats came from so I'm not using biased data sources such as the NRA.
Chart including DC and it's surrounding areas for violent crime for the last several years, grouped by gun laws.
Source data behind the above chart.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Interesting statistics from the FBI and the Brady Campaign People

I collected some statistics from the fbi's website on violent crime rates (which ARE population compensated, crime rate defines number of crimes per 100,000 people) I also found that the Brady people seem to be into ranking states and giving them scores on their gun control laws (higher score means tighter gun laws and therefore "better" in the eyes of the Brady Campaign people). The Brady folks also compare them to other states which is what the rank means, note they do allow "ties" so that's why numbers repeat.
Anyway, quick summary the 7 "best" states according to the Brady folks all are in the top 25 in terms of violent crime, of the ten states with the LOWEST violent crime rates only one of them (Rhode Island) is considered a "good" state by the Brady folks.
Anyway, below is the data decide for yourself.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Fantastic news report
This is from 20/20 and really goes into some good facts concerning gun control, specifically how historically it has been proven that more gun control == more violent crime.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Better Comments on Blogger!?
I noticed on someone else's random blog that they spammed this morning on digg (grrr) that their comments were appearing inline as opposed to the super lame pop-up method that used to be default and apparently the only way to have comments. I dug around in the settings and found something that may change it but I'm thinking it only works on new posts... soooo let's see do the comments appear inline?
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